Arranging a ceremony can seem daunting even if your plans are in full swing. Here are some useful reminders to help with preparations for the big day.

Do arrive on time

Allow plenty of time to arrive 15 minutes before your ceremony (or 30 minutes for the groom and 15 minutes for the bride if Black Prince Room or approved venue). If you arrive late, your marriage/civil partnership may have to be postponed whereas if guests arrive late, the ceremony can start without them.

Don’t get a parking ticket

Only two vehicles will be allowed to park on our premises. Guests will need to make their own arrangements.
There is a pay and display car park adjacent to the register office. If you are holding your ceremony at an approved premise please confirm the parking arrangements with the venue.

Don’t invite too many guests

It is important to adhere to the maximum number of guests for the chosen venue. Fire regulations stipulate these numbers and registration or venue staff are not able to permit more guests into the ceremony.

Small children

If you have young bridesmaids make sure they know who they will be sitting with for the ceremony. Guests' children may not understand the importance of a ceremony and can become bored; encourage guests to bring along a small toy for amusement.

Taking photographs

During your ceremony one photographer and one videographer will be permitted.

The registrars and the photographer/videographer are each trying to provide the best possible service for you and by working together in a harmonious and supportive way we can achieve a perfect ceremony and photographic record of the event.

Guests and family members are required not to take photographs during the ceremony.


Confetti is a familiar part of the ceremony, but please help us to keep Cheylesmore Manor tidy and attractive by asking your guests to wait until you are outside the building before throwing confetti.

Our confetti packs are made up of Larkspur / delphinium petals which make the most amazing biodegradable throwing wedding confetti. Each tiny petals creates a beautiful effect when captured in photos. Our larkspur /delphinium petals are naturally dried and dye free

There is less cleaning with biodegradable wedding confetti as it blows away in the wind within minutes of it being thrown. Paper confetti would more than likely involve someone sweeping it away. Furthermore, the biodegradable petals are less harmful to wildlife than paper confetti is.

Not only are there these environmental benefits of the biodegradable wedding confetti petals, but, confetti petals do create a better confetti moment than paper confetti. The petals look better in pictures when thrown.

Naturally we would like to do out utmost to protect the environment  if you would like to purchase some personalised confetti for your ceremony you can do this online or alternatively your guests will be asked before your ceremony if they would like to purchase a sachet for a cost of £2.00 each.

Floral arrangements

In our ceremony rooms you are more than welcome to provide your own flowers or floral arrangements, especially if you want them to fit into a particular colour scheme. Please speak with the ceremony co-ordinator at your appointment (if bespoke) for further details.

Themed celebrations

If you have chosen a theme for your wedding, civil partnership, renewal of vows, etc. please talk to the ceremony co-ordinator and we will do our utmost to fit in with your wishes. Our registrars may be willing to enter into the spirit of your celebration.  However, please discuss your requirements well in advance.

Lighting and candles

We are often asked for subdued lighting or candlelight at ceremonies. Unfortunately, we are unable to have candlelight within Cheylesmore Manor House. Approved premises will have their own arrangements and should be contacted directly for details.
During all ceremonies registrars will need to have a clear, well lit area whilst conducting and completing the details in the register.